Be Still 1

“Be still, and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

I stand with the farmer in the lane next to his field.

Be still And know that I am God

As far as eye can see…

Corn fields stretch up to the blue sky.

As far as ear can hear…


No sound but the simple rustling of the wind in the drying corn…

No sound of airplanes heading down out of the sky to the nearest airport…

No neighbor’s lawn mower humming an off key tune…

No traffic from a nearby road…

Nothing but silence as the farmer and I stand here.

“A couple of weeks,” the farmer says, “and I’ll be in the field.”

Silence again…

Filled by nothing but the rustle of the cornstalks in the breeze.

It is so easy to feel small here…

When I gaze to the skies and meditate on Your creation—
on the moon, stars, and all You have made,
I can’t help but wonder why You care about mortals—
sons and daughters of men—
specks of dust floating about the cosmos.  Psalm 8:3-4

To be quiet here…

… “Be still …”

To find God’s presence here…

“…and know that I am God…”  Psalm 46:10

To find his strength here…

…God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1-3

But I don’t live here.

And so I go back home…

To the discordant hum of lawn mowers…

To sounds of traffic from the nearby road…

To the noise of airplanes dropping from the clouds…

To the noise inside my head as I think about all I have to do today…

I go back home to the place where God has put me…

Bringing  with me some of the peace from that farm…

And I pray…

Pray that even in the midst of a noisy, busy, distracting world…

My soul will stand in silence before God…

Be still before the Lord…Psalm 37:7

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.  Psalm 62:5

Where do you find space to be still?

How do you find quiet for your soul?

Share your story in comments…

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