Christian Devotional-Stories and Bible verses about the presence of God in our lives

Phone Call From God

“My phone call from God,” he says…

Phone Call From God

“Let me tell you about my phone call from God …”

1:30 AM…

The phone rings…

His heart races…

“Why,” he wonders, “does a phone ringing in the middle of the night always sound like an alarm bell?

It’s the house phone…

“Strange,” his sleep encumbered brain manages to think…

“Nobody ever calls that phone.”

His hands search for the phone.

Squinting in the dark…

Without his glasses…

He presses what feels like the answer button….


Dial tone…

He has pressed the wrong button and hung up the phone.

Turning on a light, he scrolls through the caller list…

His grandson?

At 1:30 in the morning?

He redials.

“I’m in the discount store parking lot,” His grandson says.

“I just called the suicide prevention line.”

“Don’t move.”

“I’ll be right there.”

His grandson’s car is easy to spot in the empty lot…

“I’d never really do it…” his grandson says…

“I know you guys love me…”

“Tell me,” says the grandpa…

“Why did you call the house phone?”

“I don’t even know the number to your house phone,” the grandson replies.

“In fact, I don’t remember calling you.”

The grandfather has been telling the story to a group of friends…

“And so,” He finishes, “that’s why I call that phone call, my phone call from God.”

What do you think?

Was it a phone call from God?

Did the grandson forget that he had stored the phone number?

 Was it a pocket-dial?

Do the answers to those questions really matter?

How easy it is to rationalize away the presence of God…

How easy it is to deny that God speaks to us…

He speaks in one way and then another. But we do not even realize it. Job 33:14

How easy it is to forget His presence…

…for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9

How easy it is to forget His promise…

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.  Hebrews 13:5


Note: This post first appeared in September, 2016

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