4-To-Read–December 8

Each week, Everyday Servant links to 4 really great posts from Christian blogs…

4 to read

Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs you might have missed…

All are posts posts that stir our thoughts and stretch our beliefs…

In this week’s 4-to-Read…

  1. How to become old and mean and grumpy…
  2. Perfection… Have you already attained it?
  3. Do you want to become perfect?
  4. Every parent’s ultimate weapon…The Christmas threat

Posts from David Rupert, Kristen Welch, Jon Acuff and Donald Miller…

1. Old and mean and grumpy…

Is that how you wan people to remember you?

There’s not much we can do about the old part….
(Personally, I’ll take just a much time as God wants to give me!)

But David Rupert writes that we may be making choices today that will determine whether we’ll live in fear and anger or happiness and friendship

Read his interesting thoughts about following God’s plan for growing older…

2.  Are you perfect?

Or do you just want everybody to think you are perfect?

Jon Acuff says that since none of us are perfect, since we are all inhabitants of the Island of Misfit Toys, we might as well enjoy it…

Read his plans for a party on the island…from his blog acuff.me…

3.  Do you want to become perfect?

Trying to change your life?

Wanting to leave bad habits behind?

Frustrated when God doesn’t magically transform you, distilling out all the bad and leaving only the good?

Read Donald Miller’s thoughts, as he says you should give yourself something God has already given you… a little grace…


4.  The Christmas threat!

Have children? Then you have probably used the Christmas threat… You know the one… “What if Santa found out?”

Santa threats work for a limited number of years.

What do you do next?

Every parent of kids past the age of Santa should read this humorous post from Kristen Welch’s blog “We are that family”

There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

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