4 to Read-January 19

Links to posts from…

Ann Voskamp, Jon Acuff, Scott Williams and Tithehacker.com…

  1. Tithing? Are you kidding?
  2. Do you like the person you see in the mirror?
  3. Treat me gently, God!
  4. 11 Great quotes on leadership

Each week, Everyday Servant links to 4 really great posts from Christian blogs…

4 to read

Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs and writers you might have missed…

1.  Tithing-3 tithes for the ancient Israelites?

Ever thought:

“Tithing.  Yeah. Right.   Maybe if I made twice as much as I do now, I’d be able to tithe.”

Ever thought about all the people making twice as much as you do, who are also thinking that way?

Did you know Jews in the Old Testament gave three separate tithes?

For a great graphic on tithing in biblical times… Read this post from Michael at TitheHacker.com

2.  Do you Like the reflection in the mirror?

Are you the person you want to be?

Are you becoming the person God wants you to become?

How will you react today when things go wrong?  Because they will.

Read Ann Voskamp as she asks whether the real you likes the you in the mirror…

3.  11 great leadership quotes

Are you a leader?

In your family?

In your church?

In your business?

In your community?

If you are a leader, you’ll want to read 11 great quotes on leadership…from Scott Williams’ blog, “Big is the New Small.”

4.  “Don’t be harsh with me, God.”

“I want to learn from you, God.  I really do.  But would you go a little easy on me?  Don’t make the lessons too hard!”

Ever felt that way?

So has Jon Acuff, as he reveals in a post from his blog, “Stuff Christians Like”…

Read his thoughts on putting aside our ego, and being open to God’s lessons, no matter how He decides to present them…


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