4-to-Read January 26

This week… Posts from Ann Voskamp, Jenna Brooks, Scott Williams, and Jennifer Dukes Lee, as they explore stress, forgiveness, leadership and prayer…

Each week, Everyday Servant shares four really great reads from Christian blogs…

4 to read


Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4 to Read…

  1. Stress could make your life beautiful
  2. Forgiveness is a real power trip!
  3. 11 traits everybody wants in a leader
  4. When you don’t know what to pray…

 1.  Ever feel empty?  Ever feel stressed?

Maybe those are the times God can best use to make beautiful music from your life…

After all, says Ann Voskamp, a guitar is nothing but an empty space and some strings…strings waiting to be stressed…”Music is made in stress. A string has to be stressed, it has to be pulled tight, to make music”

Read her unique perspective from her blog, a Holy Experience….

2.  Forgiveness?  A power trip?

That’s what Jenna Brooks says as she recounts a personal story of being wronged, and offering forgiveness….

Read her thoughts as she answers why all those preachers tell us that forgiving others is really a gift to ourselves…

3.  11 Traits people want in a leader

Are you a leader?

What do the people you lead expect from you?

What do you want from those you follow?

Scott Williams lists 11 traits we all want in a leader…

Read his thoughts about the traits of leadership from his blog, “Big is the New Small”…

4.  What to do when you don’t know how to pray…

Ever had a big problem..?

One you wanted to pray to God about?

Ever been at a total loss for words?

Jennifer Dukes lee shares her own experience, and offers sound biblical advice and assurance.

 Read her thoughts from a post on “The High Calling”…

Have you read other great posts in the last week?

Share them!

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