4 to Read-March 23

1.  7 steps to keep your faith alive

2.  5 questions to ask before you quit your job

3. How to say Yes to God

4.  The lie that stops you from following God


4 to Read

Everyday Servants’ weekly links to four great Christian posts…

This week…

Links to posts from Ann Voskamp, Lawrence W. Wilson, Relevant Magazine and Kristen Welch.

1.  7 steps to keep your faith alive…

Is going to church enough to keep your faith alive and strong?

Will singing God’s praises during a stirring time of worship keep your faith vibrant?

What else can you do?

Lawrence W. Wilson lists 7 specific steps we can all take to renew our faith every day…

Read his post…7 Ways to Renew Yourself Spiritually …

 2.  5 Questions to ask before you leave your job

How bad is your job?

Fed up with the work load?

Not happy with your boss?

Decided leave?

Before you go…

Check out this post from Relevant Magazine…

Does your job has the five key attributes listed in the post?

If it does, you might want to stay after all…

3.  Afraid to say yes to God?

Are you worried where he will lead you if you say yes?

Worried about what you might have to give up to follow Him?

Or can you follow in the peace of knowing it is God who leads the way?

Read as Kristen Welch admits her own fears and talks about stepping beyond them to go where God was leading her in this post from Incourage.me….

4.  Lies that hold you back…

Ann Voskamp at the topic of fear from a different perspective…

She asks if fear comes because we believe a lie…

She asks if we can leave the fear and the lie behind by believing the truth…

What Lie?  What truth?

Read her post …for an insightful look at the lie that might be holding you back…

There are many great Christian posts on the Internet.

Have you read something you’d like to share with others?

 Leave the link in comments….

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