4 to Read-April 20 2

1. Laugh-out-loud-funny church bulletin bloopers

2. Insight into Jesus’ tears

3. The seeds of divorce

4. Keeping God in a box

Four to Read…

4 to Read

Everyday Servant’s weekly links to four Great Christian posts…

This week links to Tim Challies, Jon Bloom, Leah Ness, and Kevin Martineau

1. Church Bloopers

Need a laugh?  A really good laugh?

Then you should read this post.

When I first read these bloopers I laughed so loud, so long that my wife heard me even though she was upstairs in the shower with the water running.

She wondered what was wrong.

Wait a minute… What does it say that she wondered what was wrong because I was laughing?)

If you are overdue for a little laughter, read this post as Kevin Martineau rounds up a list of the classic church bulletin bloopers….

2. Jesus Wept

We all know it as the shortest verses in the Bible…

Jesus Wept.   John 11:35

But why did He weep?

What do his tears say about God’s compassion for us as we face the world in which Jesus says we will have trials and tribulations?

Jesus wept.  Two words.

Read some very insightful words from Jon Bloom on exactly what those two words mean to you and me, here and now.

3. Seeds of divorce…

Are the seeds of divorce present in your marriage?

Tim Challies says the seeds of divorce are present in every marriage.

It is up to very one of us, he says, to decide whether we will allow them to grow.

How will you treat the seeds of divorce in your marriage?

Read this post from his blog on the seeds of divorce…

 4. God in a box

Have you put God in a box?

Do you limit Him by the smallness of your own ability to understand Him?

Leah Ness suggests we all have a God Box.

Keeping God in that box, she suggests, can be dangerous to our spiritual health and to our belief itself.

Read her post about her own God Box  …

There are so many great Christian posts on the internet…

 Add your own favorites in comments below….


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