4 to Read-May 6 1

1. Be Weird

2. Be a Revolutionary Mother

3. Be a Servant

4. Be a Peacemaker…

This week in everyday Servant’s 4-to Read…

4 to Read

Links to great Christian posts with advice on who we should become…

Posts from Jon Acuff, Tim Challies, Ann Voskamp and an Episcopal Bishop…

1. Be Weird…

Jon Acuff says there’s plenty of ordinary to go around…

“…we’re full up on ordinary. We’ve got supplies of common to last a lifetime. The storehouses of boring are shelved to the ceiling.”

What we need, he says, is a lot less “Normal” and a lot more ”weird”.

Read this post from his blog, Acuff.me…

 2. Be a Servant

Why do you go to church?

Tim Challies asks whether you go to church to be served or to serve others…

Whether you seek the gifts God has given you for your own fulfillment or to play a part in caring for the body of Christ…

Read this thoughtful post from his blog, challies.com…

3. Be a Revolutionary Mother…

What kind of mother does the world need most?

Ann Voskamp says the world needs revolutionary mothers…

Mothers who …

“…come after their children and whisper revolutionary things to them and hold them close…”

Are you a revolutionary mother?

Read Ann Voskamp’s post…

But hold on tight…

It’s a fast-paced ride that will leave you breathless…

4. Be a Peacemaker…

Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

What city in the United States has been more in need of peacemakers recently than Baltimore?

There have been calls for Justice and for peace…

In this video from the PBS program, Religion and Ethics News Weekly, the Episcopal Bishop of Maryland looks at the issues of peace and justice…


Everyday servant presents a weekly digest of 4 great Christian posts from the internet…

But there is so much amazing material available.

Have you read something you’d like to share with others?

Just add the link in comments and tell us why you like it…

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