4 To Read – October 13

Each week, Everyday Servant lists four really great posts from Christian blogs…

Posts you will want to read…

Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4-to read…

4 to read

1. Spiritual abuse… Is your church guilty of spiritual abuse?

2. Are you lazy? (I refuse to answer… it sounds like a lot of work.)

3. How to avoid leading group prayer!

4.  How can we give thanks in tough times?

Click to read humor, insight and direction from Ann Voskamp, Jon Acuff, David Hayward and Tim Challies

1. Spiritual abuse…

What exactly is spiritual abuse?

Does your church practice spiritual abuse?

How do you know if you are the victim of spiritual abuse?

Whether you work at a church or attend a church…

You will want to read David Hayward’s 10 Questions…

10 questions that will help you determine whether your church (or you) are guilty of spiritual abuse…

Read this provocative post from David’s popular blog, NakedPastor.com…

2. Are you lazy?

Is laziness a vice?

Are you busy? Is busyness a vice too?

Is there a middle ground?  A healthy place between doing too little and doing too much?

Read Tim Challies’ whimsical exploration of being busy… being lazy and being…. Whatever it is we call the space between the two extremes

3.  How to avoid leading group prayer…

Are you the person who just can’t wait to get up in front of your friends and lead them in prayer?

Does God always give you just the right words for the right prayer at the right time?

If you answered “Yes” to either of those questions… do NOT read this post…

If, however, the thought of public prayer gives you a good case of freight and fear…

Read Jon Acuff’s thoughts on how to escape from the handcuffs of group prayer…

4. How do we give thanks in tough times?

How do we even know when times are tough or good?

Could God have a completely different viewpoint?

Ann Voskamp looks at “Thanksgiving” from a biblical perspective.

Read her thoughts from her blog, A Holy Experience

There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

Perhaps something you have written…


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