4 to Read – October 20 2

Each week, Everyday Servant lists four really great posts from Christian blogs…

4 to read


Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4-To-Read …

  1. Hate-How to disagree without hating
  2. Your Story- the one you are afraid to share-don’t let it define you!
  3. How to spend a little time in heaven-every day
  4. Does the Bible contradict itself?

Read posts from Donald Miller, Frank Viola, Harmony Dust, & David Rupert

1. Hate – We use the word so easily and so frequently…

Want to shut off discussion?

Charge anybody who speaks against you with hate speech.

Want to feel justified?

Call everybody on the other side of the issue a “hater”.

What about God? What does He hate?

How does he feel about our use of the word?

Read David Rupert’s post from his blog, Red Letter Believers….

 2. Your story…

The story of your brokenness…

Perhaps the story of your victimhood…

Should you share it?

Does it define you?

Can you use that experience to move on and become who God wants you to become?

Read this post from Harmony Dustwho emerged from a life of sexual exploitation to found Treasures – an outreach and support group for women in the commercial sex industry and victims of trafficking

3.  Want to spend a little time in Heaven every day?

Want to feel time slow down and stretch to the horizon of eternity?

You can do it… and Donald Miller tells you how…

Read how Donald Miller experiences a little bit of heaven every day…

4. Can we believe the Bible?

Is it full of contradictions?

How should we respond when a non-believer points out what they see as contradictions?

If there are contradictions does it mean we should reject everything the Bible says?

Frank Viola offers a method for evaluating “contradictions” and responding to those who use them to challenge faith…


There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

Perhaps something you have written…

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