4 To Read-November 3

Each week, Everyday Servant lists four really great posts from Christian blogs…

4 to readPosts you will want to read…

Some are from well-known writers and blogs…

Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4-to read…

Four different lives… which one are you leading?

  1. A meaningful life-maybe you are leading one without even knowing it…
  2. A changed Life-What if you changed your life and your friends hated the changes?
  3. Threatened life-yet one more (humorous) threat to your important relationships…
  4. Obedient life – Abraham said ‘yes’ when God asked him to sacrifice his son.
    What would you say?

Posts to read from Glennon Doyle Melton, Donald Miller, Jon Acuff and Matt Appling…

 1.  A life of meaning.

Most of us say we’ll start living a life of meaning as soon as we have time…

We’ll start soon, we say…

But what if we are already leading a life of meaning and purpose, without even knowing it?

Read these intriguing thoughts from Glennon Doyle Melton’s Blog Momastery…

 2.  I never want to change!

Just kidding…

I wrote that line as a shameless device to attract your attention…

I want to change.

I want to be kinder, gentler and more reliant on God every day.

Donald Miller’s writes that we all want to change, but he warns that people around us may not be happy when we change and grow.

Read this post from his Storyline blog…


 3.  Not threatened enough by Ebola, the economy and global warming?

Need one more threat to add to the list?

Jon Acuff takes a humorous look at the threat to your marriage that counselors never mention.

Think you can name this new threat?

Don’t be too sure until you read Jon’s post on his blog “Stuff Christians Like

4.  Would you sacrifice your child if God asked you to do it?

Matt Appling asks interesting questions about the meaning of faith, parenting and sacrifice.

Read his thoughts from his Blog, The Church of No People  

There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

Perhaps something you have written…

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