Becoming an Artist for God 1

Copper and silver and gold…

Oil and watercolor and charcoal…

artist for God

A local art fair…

Jewelry makers bring the silver and gold and copper…

Artists the water colors and acrylics and oils and charcoal…

Each using their medium to create portraits and landscapes and jewelry…

Suddenly I see an artist whose medium speaks most directly to my heart…

He is almost hidden in a shady spot behind the displays lining the street…

While other artists sell completed works …

With price tags of hundreds or thousands of dollars….

This artist creates his works while you watch…

Selling them for only $3.50 each.

His Medium?

One that speaks not only to my heart…

But to my taste buds…


Artist for God

He dips homemade ice cream bars into pots of milk or dark chocolate…

“Choose your toppings,” he says, as he pulls my bar out of the pot of dark chocolate…

“Coconut, or peanuts or candy pieces or hazel nuts…”


He hands the ice cream bar to me on a paper plate…

I hold the plate carefully to catch any chocolate that falls away …

The homemade ice cream slides over my tongue in a joyful dance on its way to my arteries…

The chocolate makes my favorite candy bar taste like a cheap imitation…

This artist knows his medium…

For a moment I envy him and all the artists for the gifts God has given them…

But maybe God has made us all artists…

Maybe each of us can be an artist for God…

Commissioned to become living works of art…

Works that bring glory to Him…

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

If we want to be an artist for God …

What medium does God give us to create these works?


Love alone…

… Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  John 13:34

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