Wednesday would be a great day…
I had it all planned. If I followed my detailed timeline precisely I could finish work early and have time to relax.
I was so excited about my “relaxing day” I woke up thirty minutes before the alarm went off.
I turned on the computer. Twenty minutes later it still hadn’t booted up…
Something was wrong…
I rebooted…and waited another twenty minutes…
And the computer froze again…
On the third try it worked. Almost an hour to boot the computer!
I’d really have to follow my list now to finish early.
Was the House cold? The furnace started, blew cold air for a few minutes, and then stopped.
I looked up furnace repair.
They’d be out this afternoon. My afternoon. The afternoon I had planned to relax.
I still had faith in my list…
Hurry. Hurry. Got to relax.
The furnace repair guy showed up early. It was a minor repair quickly fixed.
Just a few things on my list to finish….
Sitting down at the computer, I moved the mouse. Nothing happened. The computer was frozen.
I have known for some time that my 12 year old computer was about to die.
Using an IPad to go online, I spent 30 minutes ordering a replacement I clicked the check out button.
“Our servers are down for maintenance. Please re-enter your order later.
Thank you!”
My relaxing day was gone.
I started to think completely unbiblical thoughts…
Was God out to get me? Was He telling me He didn’t want me to have a relaxing day? Why was God treating me this way?
I had a plan. I had faith in my plan. I had faith in me—faith that I could execute my plan.
Faith in myself and my plan …Isn’t that backwards faith?
Shouldn’t my faith be in God?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
Shouldn’t my faith be big enough to survive petty annoyances?
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much… Luke 16:10
Shouldn’t my faith be big enough to thank God for days He tests me and stretches me?
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. James 1:2-4
So that on the really tough days I will stand steadfast in the promise of rest from the only One who can provide it….
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Mathew 11:28
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