Why is it Hardest to Hear God When We Need Him the Most?

speak lord graphic

The story of one woman, four conversations and some very difficult circumstances, all of which led her closer to God…

Conversation #1

“I need to see you”, said her boss.
“I can’t tell you what a great job you are doing. You make the whole department more efficient. We aren’t giving many raises these days, but I’ve moved you to a new salary grade so you can get one anyway.

Conversation #2
A few weeks later the boss called her in again.
“Today”, the boss said, “will be your last day. Please clean out your desk. Security will escort you to the door.”
She was so shocked she barely heard the boss say the company was being sold.
Changed Circumstances
Over the next few weeks there would be many prayers, long talks with friends, some tears, and finally Christian counseling.

Conversation #3
“How did you feel about your job when you were there?” asked the counselor.
“I was very good at it.”
“But how did you feel about it? Did you like it?”
“I loved my job….” Her voice trailed off.
“No I didn’t. I hated my job. I was good at it, but I hated the kind of work I did.”
“What do you want to do next?”
“What did God make you to do?”

Conversation #4
She listened to God and discovered her calling. To support herself she works during the day at the kind of job she has always held. She does it well, to bring honor and glory to God. At night, she takes classes preparing to follow God’s calling. Now she has a purpose and direction in life.
All because God spoke through her circumstances, and because she listened.

‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’ 1 Samuel 3:9

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