How Do We Choose Love?

Scott Hamilton, the world famous figure skater, walks down an empty aisle toward the stage, pulling a bag behind him…

The auditorium is empty except for volunteers and production people…

ChoiceSoon the seats will be filled with attendees, and the stage with speakers for Donald Miller’s Storyline Conference…

Scott arrived just a few minutes ago after an all-night flight from L.A.

A volunteer walks up to him and shakes his hand…


Scott could be sleeping now…

Or eating…

Or just resting.

How will he react to this handshake from a stranger?


Scott stops, leans his bag against a nearby row of seats, and the two start talking.

Several minutes later they are still talking.

Their faces smiling, their body language relaxed, the sound of their conversation and laughter rising to the ceiling of the empty auditorium, they look like two old friends catching up after an absence.

I watch Scott Hamilton talking to someone he doesn’t even know, and I wonder…

How often have I been too busy to hear even the people I know and love?

I think about the job I took when my daughter was 2 years old…

The job that kept me on airplanes and in hotel rooms for six years.

I made a choice…

What choices will I make today?

Will my choices give me time to reflect God’s love through my words and actions?

As I typed that line, my cell phone rang…

My daughter called.

She presented me with a choice …

She’s coming over with my two grandchildren.

I could keep writing.

This post definitely needs work…

I have made a choice to turn off the computer now and pay attention to what I really love.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another…” John 13:34

Not knowing what choice I might make next…

and frightened by the thought that my choices reveal what I really love…

I ask for guidance from the One Source of true wisdom.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. James 1:5

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