Ever Doubted Jesus? 2

I can be a lot like “Doubting Andrew”…

doubtDon’t I mean “Doubting Thomas”?

No,  I’m talking about Doubting Andrew…

There he is…

Right in the middle of the story of the five loaves…

doubting Jesus’ provision…

He says to Jesus…

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:9 NIV

He sees the resources Jesus is about to use to feed the five thousand, but he doubts they will be enough….

“…How far will they go among so many?”

It’s easy to be like Andrew…

A few years ago a friend asked me to volunteer at church…

My quick response was “Absolutely”.

Then he told where he wanted me to volunteer: in the group that meets and greets people as they come into the church.

I immediately became a doubting Andrew…

My gift of hospitality was too small…

How could it serve so many?

I wasn’t sure I was using the “real’ gift God had given me. ..

That was years ago.  I’ve served with that team ever since.

All I can say is “Thank you God for letting me serve where you put me.”

He showed me that he knows me better than I know myself…

He taught me a valuable lesson…

Accept the gifts God has given us… Offer them back to Him and see what He will do with them…

Especially the greatest gift of all…

The gift of His grace…

How will we react?

Will we doubt like Andrew?

Will we say…”Surely the gift isn’t meant for me…”

Or we will we accept the gift in awe and humility…

And give all of ourselves to the God who Gave all of Himself to us…

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3:16

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2 thoughts on “Ever Doubted Jesus?

  • Lux Ganzon

    I also serve in one of the most difficult ministries in our community. I always feel inadequate, but I always remind myself that God does not call the qualified. He qualifies those He calls. 🙂

    • Bob Jackson Post author

      “God does not call the qualified. He qualifies those He calls.”
      So that the glory is always His and His alone! Thanks for your comments!