Family Resemblance

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…”  Genesis 1:26

Looking up from my lunch, I see them…

family resemblance

Sitting at the next table in the sandwich shop…

A father with carrot-colored hair, pale skin and a long, slender face…

Next to him, a young girl with carrot-colored hair, pale skin and a long, slender face,

Next to her, a boy with… you guessed it… carrot-colored hair, pale skin and a long, slender face.

When they stand to leave, they all have long, slender bodies to match their long, slender faces…

What a family resemblance.

Outside, a car hurries into the parking lot, turns quickly into a space, and comes to a sliding stop in the slushy snow that covers the lot…

Two men jump out and move rapidly to the rear of the car…

With their backs toward the window of the sandwich shop, their resemblance is remarkable.

Each stands over six feet tall…

Each has the same square, powerful body shape.

Faces hidden from view, they reach into trunk of the car.

Almost in unison, they turn toward the sandwich shop, shovels in hand, ready to vanquish the morning’s snow fall.

Their resemblance doesn’t end with their body shape.

Their faces are nearly identical..

The same nose, the same square jaw…

But one man is twenty years younger than the other.

Father and Son?

What a family resemblance.

God says we become his children when we receive Christ…

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— John 1:12

Does that mean God expects us to have a family resemblance to Him?

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…”  Genesis 1:26

If family resemblance to God is not a matter of the shape of our face or our body…

Does family resemblance to God come from what we do?

… do justice… Micah 6:8

Does family resemblance to God come from what we love?

…love kindness… Micah 6:8

From Who we follow?

…walk humbly with your God… Micah 6:8

If family resemblance to God is not about the shape of our face or our body…

Could it be about the shape of our heart and our soul and our mind?

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…”’   Matthew 22:37

If we let God’s love shape our hearts and souls and minds…

We will follow Him when he says…

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’   Mark 12:31

Then others will look at us, and seeing God…

They will say, “What a family resemblance!”

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