God Sees Our Heart 4

God Sees our heart …

The little girl is already thinking about Christmas…

“Can I come to your house and help decorate the tree like last year?”

God sees our hearts

Of course.

“Does my brother have to come, too?”

Of course!


She carefully peels the foil wrapper from a piece of chocolate…

Eats the chocolate, and thinks.

“I have an idea,” she says…

“It will be my Christmas decoration for your house…”

“I’ll save all the red and green wrappers from the chocolates…”

(Every grandparent’s house should have a supply of chocolate, right?)

“Then I’ll fold them up and put them on the branch in the living room.”

“It will be my Christmas decoration!”

Here’s the branch…

God Sees Our Heart

She’s already started.

It’s not exactly my personal decorating style.

When her mother was young…

I would have said no.

But now I think…

“How great!”

“She feels at home in our house…”

“She wants to contribute…”

I care more about why she’s decorating, than how well she’s decorating.

I can only pray that God looks at my poor efforts in the same way.

How often I think I am doing something great for God…

When from His perspective it must look pretty shabby…

How I pray He looks past my external shortcomings…

…the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7

How I pray He sees my heart.

And yet there’s still a problem…

For God sees our heart not only when it is filled with good…

But when it overflows with evil…

For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.  Matthew 15:19 

The Good news…

God loves us anyway…

…God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8 

And God’s heart always overflows with grace…

 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16 

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4 thoughts on “God Sees Our Heart


    This gift of reconciliation given is amazing. For me to have sinned and done it again, and again, not wanting to, but do it anyway. See what Paul talks of in Romans 7.

    And every time I think I got it together, I find out I do not, as in 2 Cor 12:7-10 tells me also, about self righteousness.

    I have no self-righteousness, none. Not does anyone else, even those that have quit this and or that, have done it in past, even though now might not anymore. Guilty, I am Guilty.

    So I o not have righteousness, But I do have righteousness, who can teach me this in spite of me?

    Father is the teacher Hebrews 8:11. Is it then not good to hear others? God forbid, listen to all, tune out no one, just take all to God Father in Prayer to hear truth over error.

    And this learn Matt. 10:16-20, Luke 21:14-15
    Love you Brother for all you share for others to hear by Faith in the Risen Christ, many are set free from the bondage of this world in physical flesh
    Thank You, me still learning, not as though I have gained, still putting what is past as past gone behind me, moving in the present as each second comes in and goes out as past again.

    Thanking Father even deeper for not remembering my sins no more, because of the done work of Son in it is finished for new life to begin in Son’s resurrection where new life is at.



    Asked for the new heart as in Ezekiel 36:26 tells us all about it. Not known then how, until the risen Christ given us to walk new in by Faith and not of work, even though one does work, not of self anymore, now of his risen life for us in appreciation of this love given us free of charge