God’s Love-In a Fast Food Restaurant

I didn’t see him in church…
God's love

But when I saw him…

I saw God’s love.

He didn’t preach any sermons…

But when I heard him speak…

I heard God’s love.

He didn’t perform any miracles…

Or then again, maybe he did.

You decide.

We met in a fast food restaurant…

Arriving at the back of the line at the same time.

“You go first,” he said.

Usually when somebody says those words…

They look like they’re hoping you’ll say no.

They barely look in your direction while they talk…

But this man looks right at me…

He smiles…

He seems so happy.

We move forward in the line…

But it is a long line.

He talks to the woman next to him…

“How old is your little girl?” he asks.

As I listen the conversation turns personal…

The woman volunteers what it’s like to be a young, single mom.

He listens, nods, smiles…

When he gets to the front of the line…

The woman taking orders is glad to see him.

This isn’t his first time in the restaurant.

He jokes.

She laughs.

Her whole face lights up.

As he waits for his food, the group around him is animated…



Yet most of them are clearly strangers.

Carrying his tray to a table, he sits down and prays before he eats.

Then he pulls out a pocket-sized new Testament and starts to read.

In his words…

in his actions…

He has shared God’s love more powerfully than many famous preachers.

He has done nothing heroic…

Nothing that will headline the nightly news…

Nothing that will go viral on Twitter.

But he has followed the admonition of Saint Francis…

“Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words”-Saint Francis of Assisi

Followed the admonition of the Apostle…

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.  1 John 3:18

Followed the admonition of Christ Himself…

… ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’    Mark 12:31

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