I knew what I was about to see…
I was about to see mean…
Sighing, I followed his assistant through the office door…
“Good morning,” I said.
Without looking up from his papers, he motioned toward a chair…
Twenty feet from his desk.
I sat.
He turned to his computer…
His back toward me…
The click of the keys the only sound…
His small desk light the only gleam…
In this, his inner sanctum, the sanctuary of his power.
I waited…
He turned back to the papers in the small circle of light on his desk….
He spoke…
A small voice…
The words lost in the dark between his desk and my chair…
Impossible to hear…
“Your chair…”
He raised his voice…
“Move it closer.”
The chair was large, heavy, not designed to move.
I struggled to drag it across the floor, finally entering his circle of artificial light…
We talked.
He talked.
Fifteen minutes later, he stopped talking and waved his hand in dismissal.
I fled toward the door…
In a practiced routine, he waited until my hand touched the knob.
Looking up, a slight smile on his face, his voice now easy to hear because he chose to make it so, he spoke…
“Be sure to put your chair back where it belongs.”
He watched as I struggled to move it across the floor.
In his book Soul Keeping, John Ortberg asks…
“Is it healing to be with you?”
It certainly wasn’t healing to be with the man I had just left.
I had just seen mean.
Would I now be mean?
It’s a choice we all face, every minute of every day…
Will we place our souls under the yoke of the world’s oppression?
And in the resulting pain, help spread the hurt of the world?
Or will we remember what Jesus said and accept his yoke…
And in the resulting joy, help spread the word of God’s healing grace?
Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30
Have you seen mean?
How did you deal with it?
Share your story in comments…
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Bob that was delightful to see to hear this as I have been that and have had that done to me. For Father is not this a Tyrant, and when is looked at as if is, still is not for God is righteous no matter what he does. Giving all to God changes all in the long run for we get eternity our Soul saved there, and this body tent gone back to the grave, that has to face the great white throne judgment day. Well not all some by God’s grace escape the second death per revelations in one of the letters to the Churches, actually to the Ecclesia in truth
Interesting insight, Howard. Thanks for commenting.
Also, have not seen you on the sight you were posting to truly God does just love you, anyway glad to have gotten you here on my email that insight was insightful
Hi Howard… Will be posting again on your Google+ group. Just a temporary interruption in routine.
Brother Iron sharpens Iron as God gives us view in different angles of view we each have when seeing in believing Christ as the center. we share in care to one another and force nothing down each others throats
For God gives the increase in sharing one to another in love and Mercy of Father to us through Son’s done work
thank you
Got it and thank you much a lot of you all posting there with deep insight that I answer to as well for us to all continue in growth of this amazing salvation freely given us
As we grow and flow in being led, not as this world does this, as Father and Son as Won for us does it