“I don’t go to the movies,” he says…
“It’s so much work…”
I nod…
Thinking he means that it’s much easier to stream video at home.
“When I go to the movies,” he continues…
“I carry a can of disinfectant for the seat…”
“You never know if somebody who just sat there was sick…”
“I take a coat even in summer to cover the seat.”
“Otherwise, I can’t lean back…”
“If my head touches the seat, I might get lice.”
“And then there’s the floor in a movie theater…”
“What kind of germs live on those sticky floors?”
“And who would eat movie popcorn?”
“It sits in the open where germs can fall on it.”
I walk away from our conversation shaking my head…
Not sure whether to criticize him or feel sorry for him…
And then I realize…
My Christian life is like his movie life…
I worry about how I might be contaminated by the world…
So I spend my time with other Christians…
Forgetting that Jesus came into the world …
And spent time with tax collectors and sinners…
Worrying not about His own spiritual health, but theirs, saying…
…“It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Mark 2:17
He sends us into the world to do the same…
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15
He sends us into the world not to be changed by the world…
Do not conform to the pattern of this world… Romans 12:2
But to change the world…
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Matthew 28:19
…As everyday servants of the Most High God…
This post tells half of the story-focusing on going into the world.
A recent post – Not of This World – features Bible verses telling the other half of the story…
How to avoid being changed by the world…
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