“What’s that Noise?”
She sits up straight in bed and asks again…
“What’s that noise?”
I don’t hear anything.
There it is in the distance…
A long, low moan…
The sound of a train whistle.
“That’s a train,” my granddaughter says solemnly.
Her eyes dart around the room as if the train might suddenly crash through the walls.
There’s a track a couple of miles from our house…
Occasionally a train blows its whistle as it lumbers through a nearby crossing…
I’m so used to the sound I don’t even hear it anymore.
I’m ear-blind to the noise…
Like the people in the commercial from the room deodorizer that asks if you’ve gone nose-blind to the odors around you…
My granddaughter is neither nose-blind nor ear-blind to anything around her.
She hears and sees everything.
She’s dealing with the revelation that she is a separate entity from the world around her….
And trying to figure out her place in that world.
Related Post….
Be Still
I’m old(er)
I’ve heard it all before…
“It’s OK,” my brain says.
“Tune it out…”
I don’t notice the train when it blows its whistle…
I don’t hear the cries for help from my neighbors around the world…
I don’t even hear the cries from my neighbors next door…
My heart is hardened to the appeal of Christ himself…
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
I’ve gone nose-deaf to need…
Ear-blind to misery.
I forget that God wants me to …
Be still and know that I am God … Psalm 46:10
My heart is hardened to the very whisper of God.
And yet God says…
…I will give you a new heart… Ezekiel 36:26
And so I thank Him, and pray that my heart may be a heart…
“…after his own heart…” 1 Samuel 13:14
He offers his heart to us all…
So that He can say about us that we are His people…
His people who will …
“…do all my will…” Acts 13:22
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