Nothing Lasts Forever-Except… 3

She runs down the sidewalk…

Swings open the gate…

The gate with the metal dog on top…


And dashes across the alley…

Nothing lasts forever

To Granny’s house…

To Pops’ house.

She has toys there…

And dollies…

And Granny…

And Pops.

Decades pass …

She moves hundreds of miles away.

When she visits…

Her own daughter runs down the sidewalk…

Swings open the gate with the dog on top…

And hurries across the alley to Granny and Pops’ house.

Nothing lasts forever

She has toys there…

And dollies..

And Pops.

And Granny….

granny and beth

It is a timeless sort of place…

When you are five years old, it seems it will always be there.

Just like Granny.

Just like pops.

Granny is gone now.

So is Pops.

We stand in the alley.


Which one was their house?

We walk up to a patch of crumbing concrete…

Where their garage used to stand…

Nothing lasts forever

The garage is gone…

So is the house.

So is the yard where Granny grew her sunflowers.

A community garden stands where the house and yard once stood…

Nothing lasts forever

A garden turned to weeds.

Remembering what used to be, she reaches down and touches the weeds…

Thinks of the house…

Thinks of Granny.

Thinks of Pops.

All gone…

Fading into unreality.

Because nothing lasts forever.

Then she remembers the love she felt here…

Love that feels as alive and warm today as it did then…

Because nothing lasts forever …except love.

Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.  1 Corinthians 13:8

God lasts forever …

Because …

 … God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.  1 John 4:16

 Where have you felt God’s unending love in your life?

Share your story of God’s love with everyone in comments…


Note: This post first appeared in July, 2015

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