Walking through open doors isn’t always easy…
Remember the ad where a bird tricks a guy into walking into a glass door?
Sometimes I feel God has tricked me the same way…
I move through what looks like an open door…
And immediately run into such resistance that I wonder if the door was really open…
There was the time God moved me into a new job in a new industry…
Suddenly I was a salesperson.
I had never been a salesperson and never wanted to be one.
Worse yet, I was a salesperson in an industry about which I knew nothing.
It took nearly two years to discover that God had put me in the right place.
During those years, I did a lot of praying.
Praying I would not have done if I had been in more comfortable circumstances.
As a result, I moved closer to God.
When I was younger…
I transferred from a small college in a small town to a major university in a big city.
I’d never lived in a big town, let alone a big city.
I was 19 and scared. I could have stayed at the first school. But I didn’t.
I got an internship at the second school, which led to a job, which led directly to a second job through which I met my wife.
I learned two things about open doors from those experiences…
- Just because God opens a door, it doesn’t mean the path will be easy.
- It is often in difficult times that my relationship with God grows the most.
I wonder…
Why does God create open doors?
We usually view an open door as a means to our earthly ends.
We think God is helping us accomplish our earthly goals.
Maybe we are wrong…
Maybe God creates open doors as a means to His spiritual ends…
Maybe He creates open doors so we can take one step forward in our relationship with Him.
Maybe he creates open doors to remind us of the one true open door…
The open door given to us through the gift of His grace…
…Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door…” John 10:7
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