How would you write this story of a perfect life?
The background:
The main characters’ names are Jeff and Jaime.
They are happily married, with two children…
He likes his job and does well at it…
She has a dream job.
Certainly, some days are more perfect than others, but the job itself is meaningful and fulfilling.
She feels blessed….
He feels blessed.
Jeff and Jaime thank God by finding ways to serve others…
It’s a perfect life.
Well, not perfect… nothing is ever perfect…
But their lives are about as close to perfect as it gets…
Jeff is happy. His wife is happy.
Their children are happy…
How would you write a story about this happy family?
I can hear you saying it now…
“Where’s the story?”
“Doesn’t there have to be some conflict, some problem, some challenge for the main characters to overcome?”
Good point. In every story, there is a turning point, a challenge…
A challenge which the characters deal with in a way that transforms them for better or worse.
The challenge…
Jeff’s wife is not feeling well…
She goes to the doctor…
The doctor performs tests and makes a diagnosis that startles her…
“I am sorry”, he says…
“You have a rare form of cancer.”
“The prognosis is not good.”
Suddenly a happy family faces a real challenge to their perfect life…
If you are writing the story, how will the characters deal with the challenge?
Will they answer as Job’s wife did?
Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die!” Job 2:9
Or will they follow in the footsteps of Job himself?
Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” Job 2:10
Even if they don’t curse God will the characters in your story stop serving Him?
Will they turn inward and focus all their time and effort and emotions on the disease?
The transformation…
How are Jeff and his family writing their story?
They are doing everything possible to beat his wife’s disease…
But they are not waiting to serve God.
He still volunteers weekly at his church.
He leads mission trips overseas…
He and his wife provide a safe haven home for kids at risk in the major metropolitan area where they live.
They have decided to remain faithful to God no matter what their circumstances…
But as for me and my household, we will serve the lord…Joshua 24:15b
They have decided to continue to do good for others…
So Then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.” 1 Peter 4:19
That’s how Jeff and his wife are writing their story…
How will you write yours?
Because you will write it…
We all will.
God will put challenges in our path.
We won’t be able to choose them…
But we will be able to choose how we respond.
We will be able to choose where we look for strength…
The lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer… Psalm 18:2
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