Pray without ceasing, 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Has she prayed for you?
If you drive a…
“Mini Cooper,” she said. “I’ll pray for everybody I see driving a Mini Cooper.”
How can she pray for somebody she doesn’t know?
How does she know what kind of prayer to offer?
“I pray for safe transportation…”
“That their jobs will provide for their families…”
“I pray that they are in a job that lets them use God’s gifts…”
“Sometimes I am surprised at the things that come into my mind….”
“Praying for the Mini Cooper drivers made me more aware of opportunities for prayer.”
“In the doctor’s office, I prayed for the other people waiting. I’d offer prayer for good medical outcomes, prayer for strength for them and their families, prayer for wisdom for the doctors.”
“In a restaurant once, I prayed for strength and patience for a mom with three kids all under five years old.”
“The more I prayed, the more I wanted to pray… “
“After a while I realized that with every prayer, with every conversation I had with God, I felt closer to Him…”
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
Did she offer a prayer for you?
You will never know.
But maybe she did…if you drove a mini cooper, sat near her in a doctor’s office, or passed her in a store or restaurant…
Isn’t encouraging to think that someone you never knew may have prayed for you?
That someone you will never meet talked to God about you?
That someone asked Him for His presence in your life?
When we offer random prayer could we be following the parable of the Good Samaritan?
He offered aid to someone he didn’t know…
Someone on the opposite side of a racial and cultural divide…
Someone from whom he had nothing to gain…
Jesus told the parable of the Good Samaritan and then said…
“Go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37
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Holy … Holy .. Thank you Lord