Searching for Perfect

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God… Ephesians 2:8 

I’m in the fast food line…

Searching for Perfect

Searching for perfect…

At this moment, perfect is fast food…fast!

I ‘m Hungry!

The woman in front of me is searching for perfect too.

But her perfect is just a little different…

“Let’s see now,” she says slowly as she looks at the menu again.

Speed has no place in her version of perfect…

 “I’ll think I’ll have…a salad.”

“But, let’s see…

I don’t want any tomatoes…”

“And please, no cucumbers.”

She describes in far too much detail how cucumbers affect her digestion…

“Now. What dressing do I want?”

She ponders…

My stomach rumbles.

Finally, she finishes ordering.

“That will be seven dollars and forty-eight cents,” says the guy behind the register.

“I think I have 48 pennies. Let me count them out for you,”

And then she starts to count…




“Perfect!” I think with a hint of irony.

I’m losing patience…

“Perfect” is ordering in a hurry…

Perfect is getting out of other people’s way..

Getting out of my way…

Did I mention I’m hungry?

That’s the way I’d do it!

Why can’t she be like me?

Why can’t she be more perfect?

What’s that?

You say you know me…

And “perfect” is not a word you’ve ever thought to use to describe me?



How about “deluded”?

Deluded into thinking that anyone who doesn’t do things my way is less than perfect…

Deluded into thinking that anything about me is perfect

Maybe I should remember what God says about thinking too highly of myself…

…in humility value others above yourselves… Philippians 2:3

Remember what He says about searching for perfect in anyone but Him…

 “There is none holy like the Lord;  1 Samuel 2:2

And on the days when I am most discouraged by the lack of perfection in my life and in the world…

I will remember His words…

Words of hope…

…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

Words of promise…

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

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