The Burning Bush is Gone!

The “Burning Bush” was so beautiful…

burning bushBut now it’s gone….

burning bush 2Consumed not by fire, but by frost and winter winds…

I am talking about the burning bush my wife and I saw the other day- the one in the post, “4 Ways to Find God“.

Ever wonder what happened to the burning bush in Exodus after Moses left?

Did God allow his fire to consume the bush after his conversation with Moses ?

If Moses had ignored the bush and returned later, would he have asked, “Isn’t that the bush that..?”  Or if he had passed by the first time, would Moses have been so different that he would not have noticed the bush the second time at all?

Seeing the remains of the burning bush I mentioned in the earlier post, made me glad I had noticed what God had done that first day.  It also made me wonder how many times I have missed the presence of God in my life, walked right past a burning bush, and missed an opportunity to do His will.

It could be a very sad experience. But it’s not. Because we have a God of second chances.

God, let me see and hear you everywhere… in beautiful bushes, in loving words, in the work you put in front of me every day, every hour, every moment.  When I miss your glory or miss a chance to do your will, all I can say is, “Thank you, God that you are a God of second chances.”

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