For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it.~ Job 33:14
Could God really have chosen to speak to me through a red plastic pig in a thrift store?
I was reading our local paper when I noticed an ad.
Maybe I should say I noticed the pictures of cakes and pies and cookies in an ad.
A new grocery store was opening and promoting its “World Famous” bakery.
“World famous”? A claim of worldwide fame obviously requires validation.
“Let’s go the new grocery store”, I called to my wife. “They have a great bakery!”
“You’re hoping they have samples.”
When we pulled into the lot, my wife noticed the thrift store next door.
Uh Oh. I knew this meant a delay in reaching the bakery.
A few months ago, my wife started saving money by buying toys for our grand daughter at the thrift store.
(She soon got so many toys, she started selling the extras through a toy shop at Amazon.)
I wandered around the store while she checked out the toys
I was BORED…
“Why”, I asked, do I have to spend so much time just a few feet away from a “world famous” bakery?
As long as I was asking “Why” questions I decided to direct a few to God…
“The high temperature today will be below zero.”
Why, God, why?”
“I’ve got some tough things going on in my life right, now.”
Why, God, Why?
That’s when I saw a whole row of red plastic piggy banks. They all had the same slogan:
“Stop Thinking Why…
Starting Thinking Why Not?”
That’s when it hit me…
Our God is not the God of a plaintive “Why?”.
He is the God of a confident “Why not?”, who tells us to put our faith in him, pick up our cross and follow in the dust of His footsteps.
Note: Thanks to fellow blogger Elaine Starner. (Click the link to read her blog)
In a recent comment on our post “The Power of God-an Unlikely Analogy”, she quoted Job 33:14, which begins this post.
Job 33:14 is a great reminder of the basic premise of this blog.
God is with us….
Because that’s his promise…
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:4 NIV
(By the way, the bakery was really good, and even though they didn’t have any samples, I’ll come back regularly to verify their “world famous” claim.)
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