Top 13 Bible Verses-Gods Plan for Us

Top 13 Bible Verses-Gods Plan for Us …

Top 13 Bible Verses-Gods Plan For Us

What is God’s plan for us?

What is His plan for this life…

And for the next?

Read these Top 13 Bible Verses-Gods Plan for Us …

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

1 Corinthians 2:9

But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”—

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Isaiah 58:11

And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

Proverbs 23:18

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

Ephesians 2:10

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Psalm 138:8

The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

John 15:7

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

John 15:1-27

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. …

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Philippians 1:6

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Top 13 Bible Verses-Gods Plan for Us …

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