Top 3 Christian Posts-Death and Suffering. 2

This week…

Death and suffering

3 Top Christian Posts…

Posts on death and suffering ..

Yes… Death and suffering …

But they may not be exactly what you are expecting…

Each of them offers hope…

  1. Suffering when we forget God’s name…
  2. Suffering when we forget God’s timing…
  3. Death of the blog?

1. Death of the Blog?

I’ve wondered lately as I look at the rise of the popularity of the infographic on social media…

An entire message contained in one graphic and very few words…

Is our attention span too short for a blog post of 300 to 2000 words?

Lots of articles have been written about the demise of the blog (Many of them on blogs, by the way…)

With all this conversation going on, it was interesting read the thoughts of one of the most successful Christian bloggers…

Check out Tim Challies’ thoughts, from his blog


2. Suffering when we forget God’s name…

I just discovered this post (Published last December.) and like it for two reasons…

1) It has several “Aha!” moments…

Moments in which the author helps you discover a truth.

A truth that is at once so surprising and so true that you say, “Aha!”

2) The premise of Everyday Servant is that God is with us each and every moment of our lives.

In this post from his blog “God Running”, Kurt Bennett wonders if forgetting that concept may be the cause of a lot of our suffering…


3, Suffering… when we forget God’s timing…

Wait for God…

All in God’s time…

I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard those wise words

And read Bible verses about waiting for God … and I know they’re true…]

But sometimes, they just don’t help…

Not when I am living in a valley of frustration and impatience…

Not when I want what I want… when I want it…

Ann Voskamp looks at the difficulty of surrendering our impatience to God’s grace and His timing…


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