Top 4 Christian Posts …
Each week, Everyday Servant searches the web for the Top 4 Christian posts…
This week… posts from Tim Challies, Trevin wax, John Ortberg and Twilla Newbell
This week … Posts about the so called culture wars against Christianity and how to live a life of faith in these difficult times…
The culture wars …
Do you feel under attack?
Tim Challies and Trevin Wax take two provocative looks at what’s going on today…
Challies asks if Christians really want to avoid persecution…
Wax wonders if Christians face a war far more dangerous than the culture war.
Their posts will make you think…
1. Tim Challies…2 Ways to Avoid Persecution…
Who wants to be persecuted?
Not me.
But the Bible tells us to expect persecution…
Tim Challies offers two ways to avoid persecution…
But then asks if either of those ways honor God.
For a Biblical perspective on avoiding persecution…
Read Tim Challies’ post from his blog,
2. Trevin Wax- Even more important than the culture war…
As we focus our attention on the culture war facing Christianity…
Trevin wax reminds us that the faith and the faithful have been under attack before.
He looks back at advice from Paul to early Christians…
And finds that Paul was even more worried about another battle they faced.
We face the same battle.
What is this battled?
Read Trevin Wax’s post from his blog at the Gospel Coalition.
Living a life of faith…
The final two posts take different looks at how to live a life of faith in these days…
John Ortberg asks if you really believe that anything is possible with Christ…
Trilla Newbell asks if all the news these days is growing your faith or your fear…
3. John Ortberg-Living an “Everything is possible” kind of life…
What is your outrageous request?
What would you pray for if you believed that anything is possible…
All things are possible
Live with courage and faith …not living with rejection
Would you want to live an ‘everything is possible” life?
Listen to this message from John Ortberg…
4. Trilla Newbell-Faith and Fear…
All the stories in the news…
Stories of violence across racial lines…
Violence across border lines
Violence across lines of faith and belief…
So much strife…
So much war…
So much dissension…
When you hear about it all does it challenge your faith?
Raise your fears?
Then read this post from Trilla Newbell…an excerpt from her book, Fear and Faith…
Top 4 Christians Posts … Culture Wars
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