Top 4 Christian Posts-God & SIn

Top 4 Christian Posts …

Top 4 Christian posts

Each week…

Everyday servant searches the web for the Top 4 Christian posts…

Posts that offer a new perspective…

Posts that stretch our thinking…

Posts that deepen our hearts for God…

This week, links to posts from Tim Challies, Ann Voskamp, Kelly Balarie and John Rhinehart…

This week…

Posts about seeing God, learning what He thinks about us, living a good life, and a confession about secret sin…

1. Ann Voskamp-Formula for a good life

Who writes like Ann Voskamp?

Who can more clearly see the holy in an everyday experience and then communicate it to others?

Today she asks the question…

What’s the best way to have a really great week?

A really great life?

It’s simple, really, she says…

Simple… but maybe not easy…

Read Ann Voskamp’s thoughts from her blog… A Holy Experience…

2. Tim Challies-Confesses his worst sin

What is the worst sin you have ever committed?

What is the worst sin you can even imagine?



Child abuse?

Drug abuse?

Have you ever looked at a list of terrible sins and felt righteous that you have committed none of them?

No so fast… Tim Challies warns they may not be the worst of sins after all…

3. Desiring God Blog-What Does God Think about you?

We spend so much time worrying about what other people think about us?

But what does God think?

And how do we find out?

John Rhinehart, writing on the Desiring God blog, turns to the Bible for answers.

If you ever wanted to know God’s deepest thoughts about you and the rest of humankind… Read this post…

4. Kelly Balarie-5 ways to see God…

You are busy.

The day passes…

And you wonder… where was God?

Kelly Balarie says He was there…

He is always with us…

It’s just that we don’t always see Him…

Worried that you are missing the presence of God in your life?

Read Kelly’s Balarie’s post-Consider her 5 steps to seeing God…

Top 4 Christian Posts …

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