Top 4 Christian Posts-Wars and Words

Top 4 Christian Posts-Wars and words…

TOP 4 christian POSTS-wars and words

The real war on Christianity…Posts from the magazine of the Presbyterian Church and from David Rupert…

Why Rob Bell wants us to stop using the word God…

Are You a Pharisee? Andrea Lucado cautions us all to think before we respond…

1. Rob Bell-Don’t say the word “God”…

Rob Bell doesn’t like to use the word “God” …

And he is not alone.

A subset of pastors and religious leaders think it is a bad idea to use the word “God”.

It is an old fashioned word, they claim…

People bring a lot of baggage to the word, they say.

Some even conjecture that God isn’t a being at all…

And should never be referred to by a proper noun.

Johnathon Merritt Johnathon Merritt takes a look at the “Just don’t say God” movement in this post from Buzzfeed…

Note: Readers often ask if inclusion in this list of weekly Christian posts indicates agreement with the topic of the article, or endorsement of the viewpoint represented. It does not. I deeply disagree with the thoughts expressed but include this article in the belief it is important for all Christians to be aware of the debate.  

2. The real war on Christianity

There’s a lot of talk in the United States about the war on Christianity.

When U.S. Christians talk about the war on Christianity…

They’re usually worried about whether it is politically correct to wish someone “Merry Christmas”…

Or whether the Ten Commandments should be displayed on the court house lawn.

In other parts of the world…

It is a real war fought with bullets and swords…

A war in in which the life of the church and the lives of believers are at stake.

For a global overview of the real war on Christianity…

 Read this article from “By Faith” the Magazine of the Presbyterian church…

3. Pray for our enemies…

A personal look at the real war on Christianity…

The previous post gives a stunning overview of the real war on Christianity.

But what does it look like from the viewpoint of one victim of the war…

A Christian mother who fled ISIS with her family…

David Rupert visits a refugee camp… And meets a woman who prays for her enemies…

4. Andrea Lucado -Are you a Pharisee?

You remember the Pharisees…

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day …

Leaders who told everyone to base their relationship with God on a set of rules…

Rules which they themselves did not always follow …

You and I aren’t Pharisees. Right?

Before you answer… consider this post from Andrea Lucado…

Top 4 Christian Posts-Wars and Words

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