Top 4 Posts-Christian Life

How do we live a Christian life in this world?

 Living a Christian life

4 Top Christian Bloggers ask…

How do we live a Christian life…

  1. In the midst of evil?
  2. When we are surrounded by technology?
  3. When we disagree (Loudly!) with fellow Christians
  4. How do we live a Christian life filled with hope?

Read these 4 top posts …

From Ann Voskamp, David Rupert, John Dyer and the Christian Post…

1. Living a Christian Life in the midst of Evil

What do we do when we see evil?

Hide from it out fear?

Ignore it in hopes that it will go away?

Stay silent because speaking out may result in our own ostracism and ridicule?

David Rupert has seen evil …

And he’s not staying silent.

Read his post as he calls out evil on his blog, Red Letter Believers….

And challenges Christians to join him in his fight…


2. Living a Christian life when we are surrounded by discord…

We Christians love to fight among ourselves…

Debating belief and theology and doctrine…

Debating loudly…

Denouncing those who disagree with us.

Abandoning Jesus’ call to unity and love…

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:35

And showing the world a picture of Christian discord rather than one of love and unity…

Pope Francis says the devil makes us do it…


3. Living a Christian life with technology

Have you seen the Pew poll about rise in “Nones”… American adults who don’t identify with any organized religion?

Since the poll was released, scholars, theologians and church leaders have rushed to offer their explanation.

Here’s one more….

John Dyer says, “Blame it on the IPhone…”


Living a Christian life filled with Hope…

How do we live a life filled with Hope in the midst of evil and discord and distraction?

Ann Voskamp charts the route to hope in this post from her blog, a holy experience…


What was the top Christian post you read on the Internet last week?

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