Struggling? Top 4 Christian Posts


Top  4 Posts-Struggle

Check out these posts from top Christian bloggers…

They offer help if you are…

1. Struggling because your kids are growing up…

2. Struggling with new teenagers…

3. Struggling to raise your children…

4. Struggling with conflict in your marriage…

Whatever you’re struggling with… God is there to help…

And so are these 4 bloggers…

With words that are witty…


And warm…

This week… links to posts from Ann Voskamp, Kristen Welch, Tim Challies and Al Andrews…

1. Struggling Because your kids are growing up…

Why is Ann Voskamp so popular?

Because she writes about real, true adventures of the heart…

Adventures with God.

This post is no exception.

Have young kids at home?

Teenage kids at home?

Kids ready to leave home?

Hard to deal with the way time forces us into constant change?

Ann Voskamp offers some advice about dealing change…

“Don’t grieve that it’s gone, wonder that it was.”

In this heart touching story you will be glad you read…

 2. Struggling with Teenagers…

Why is so much written about teen agers?

Let’s just teen age years can be very challenging… for teenagers and parents…

Kristen Welch’s son just turned 13.

She wrote him a letter you will want to read…

Whether teen years represent your past, your present or your future…

3. Struggling to raise your children…

Tim Challies is reading the Classic work, The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel.

He got to a chapter where Flavel lists 8 things every parent should consider about fulfilling the responsibility God gave us in raising children. 

Each one, says Challies, felt like a “gut punch”.

Check out Challies’ post as he recounts the 8 things a parent should ponder…

 4. Struggling with conflict in your marriage…

Al Andrews says not to be surprised…

Writing on Donald Miller’s Storyline Blog, Al says …

“Conflict and arguments are both inevitable and necessary in a marriage.”

But, Al says, there is one type of conflict married couples should flee at all costs…

One rule followed by couples who stay together…

What is that one rule?

Are you following it in your marriage?

Read Al’s thoughts… and share yours in comments…


What was the best post you read on the internet this week?

What was the one post that helped you most?

Share the link in comments below…

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