Welcome of God

I’m a Cubs’ fan…

Welcome of God

It’s 2016…

The Cubs are in the World Series…

I live near Chicago…

That makes me a Cubs fan, right?

Not good enough?

Years ago, I lived within walking distance of Wrigley field.

Does that make me a Cubs’ fan?

What’s that, you ask?

Did I live in Wrigleyville?

Not exactly.

But I could have started walking early in the morning and gotten to Wrigley by game time.

Still don’t think I’m a Cubs fan?

I’ve been to games at Wrigley field.

What do you mean, “When?”

Does it matter if it was a few years ago?

Or if the years have turned into decades?

It’s 2016 now…

I’m watching the Cubs on TV in the World Series.

That makes me a Cubs fan!

At least I think so.

Even if other Cubs’ fans in my life don’t agree…

Even if they mutter phrases like “Fair Weather Fan”.

“Are you a Cubs’ fan?” a friend asks…

“Of course,” I reply.

To prove my allegiance, I Immediately start quoting Cubs’ stats.

“Where did you hear those?” he asks.

“Well… they just mentioned them on TV…”

He rolls his eyes, smiles and walks away.

It seems that longtime Cubs’ fans…

Fans who loved the Cubs when they were losers…

Who spent their lifetimes waiting till next year…

Who believed in the Cubs more than the curse…

Those fans…

Don’t look very kindly on people who come along at the last minute…

Lining up for a big pay day of glory after only a short time of fan martyrdom.

I know how they feel.

I once worked for a company where the last person hired was the big star…

Until the next person was hired.

I even see it at church sometimes…

Where those of us who have been believers for a while…

Look down on new believers.

Maybe we’d do well to remember…

The welcome of God is available to everyone.

Maybe we’d do well to listen when God asks us…

…are you envious because I am generous?’  Matthew 20:15

To remember that God tells us our pride-of-place is foolish…

…the last will be first, and the first will be last.”  Matthew 20:16

Most of all, perhaps we should remember…

He commissions us to extend the welcome of God to everyone…

…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit… Matthew 28:19

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