Only God 3

“We’ll have everything out of the house by the weekend,” I tell the Realtor…

Only God.

“We’ll sell some things and have the rest hauled away…”

We’re walking through my father in law’s house…

He died a few weeks ago.

“Are you paying to have things hauled away?” the agent asks.

“My church has a big rummage sale next week.”

“We donate all the proceeds to mission work.

“We’ll empty the house,,.”

“No cost.”

Totally empty the house?

No cost?

Benefit others?

Perfect solution.

We live hundreds of miles away…

The realtor is a total stranger

How did we find this solution?

We didn’t.

God found it.

Only God.

A few days later we sit talking to the banker…

Opening an estate account…

“How will you fund the account?” she asks.

“With this check…”

“And with other proceeds from the estate, including the sale of the car.”

“How much do you want for the car?”

“I can pay a few hundred dollars,” she says.

Just what the car is worth.

“My son’s getting out of prison. He needs a car to get to work.”


Only God.

“Let’s go back and empty out the car,” says my wife.

We stand by the garage as the rain falls…

Turning the gravel alley into a slippery, muddy path…

An elderly neighbor waves as she runs toward her house.

We turn to the garage.



The calls come from behind us…

We turn and see the neighbor laying on her side in the mud.

She can’t stand on her right leg.

Covering her with a jacket, we call 911.

Why were we in that place at that time?

Only God.

Who is in control?

Only God…

The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Psalm 103:19  

Who plans our every step?

Only God. ..

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Who is with us always?

Only God….

…Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9




Only God.

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3 thoughts on “Only God

  • homwardbound

    Standing in belief to, no matter what, where you are, he is there to save us, every time.
    I know this on my way to another Job. From one state to the next state
    On the way there, I get sick, and end up in the Emergency room, in Utah, with a urinary tract infection, as Gangrene set in, known as Foreigner’s Gangrene.

    God was with me all the way. Lost the Job, my Wife and I had as a team together. But by this, I was put in the right place at the right time.
    For where I ended up at in Salt Lake City, University of Utah.
    Has the top Urologist, for Foreigner’s Gangrene. Jeremy Meyers

    I was told I had a 7% chance to live, and he was going to do all he can for me, anyway, but wanted me to know, chances are I was not gong to make it.

    I smiled, in thought of time to go home, and told them all that, great, I am ready, as perplexed as they all were, over me being ready to go home to God in belief as I would not quit, in it
    Not by preaching, by actions and reactions

    So if others came to believe to, great, if not okay too, for God is in Charge, obviously

    I was not in any thought of ending up there to be saved here fro now on earth!

    Now when I lived, I got depressed, over this, and somewhat, still am, for better to die here and go be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus the one and only Mediator, for Father’s 100% glory

    Paul even said this too in his messages given us to read, see and believe too.

    So I accept this now, being here still, for God in my honest opinion knows best for all

    Time today is to believe and stand in it, no matter what troubles come up against thee