4-to-Read March 2

  1. The good and bad of celebrity pastors…

  2. Can you handle the unexpected?

  3. Did C.S. Lewis really say that?

  4. I want to be a rusty old bucket!

4 to Read

Everyday Servants’s weekly links to great posts from Christian writers, thinkers and pastors…

Some are from authors you know well.

Others you may have missed…

Check out this week’s posts from Chuck Swindoll, Travis Allen,  Tom Smith and Aaron Earls…

1.  Is your pastor a celebrity?

A rock star?

Is his office wall lined with pictures of him next to the rich, famous and powerful?

Do people in your church constantly say he or she is irreplaceable?

Does celebrity help spread the word of God?

Or does celebrity merely spread word of itself?

Read Travis Allen’s thoughts about fame in the pulpit from his post on the blog, Grace to You.

2.  Expect the unexpected…

I have been known to plan my days so thoroughly there is no room for the unexpected.

One day I was so intent on what I was doing, I walked right past an old friend I hadn’t seen in months without even noticing him.

Fortunately he called me name… and called my name….Until I finally heard him.

Can our plans and busy days blond us to God?

Can we be so intent on them that we miss the wonderful surprises He puts right in front of us?

As you consider your answer, read this devotional from Chuck Swindoll about expecting the unexpected...

3.  I want to become a rusty old bucket…

How about you?

Don’t be too hasty with your answer.

Before you reject the idea of becoming a rusty old bucket filled with holes…

Read this post from Tom Smith’s blog, Shocked by Love…

 3.  What C.S. Lewis didn’t say…

Don’t you love quotes by C.S. Lewis?

Don’t they always seem wise but witty, insightful yet pithy?

Do you have a favorite quote from Lewis?

Are you it’s really from him?

Turns out it’s a lot easier to counterfeit a C.S. Lewis quote than it is to print fake currency in your basement…

Need reassurance about your favorite C.S. Lewis quote?

Read this post from Aaron Earls’ blog, The Wardrobe Door…

There are so many great posts to read.

No list could be complete…

Add your own suggestions  in comments…

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