4 to Read September 29

Each week, Everyday Servant lists four really great posts to read from Christian blogs…

Some are from well-known writers and blogs…
Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4-to Read…

4 to readTen great quotes and quips on communication

How to honor your parents when you’re “all grown up”

How to find a life of success and greatness…

Why did your favorite blog vanish?

1. Communication!

Communication makes everything happen.

Art Rainer lists ten great quotes on communication..

A sample:

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug. – Mark Twain 

To read 9 more quotes and quips on communication, read Art’s post here…

2. Want to be really great?

David Rupert confesses that he grew up thinking he was special…

Believing that he was destined for greatness…

Knowing that his life would be one of success…

He still believes in leading a life of greatness and success…

But his definition of “greatness” and “success” has changed…

Searching for success or greatness in your life? 

Read David’s thoughts on the meaning of those two words…

3. Has your favorite blog disappeared?

Ever wondered why great blogs suddenly vanish?

Tim Challies recently published a list of top Christian blogs by and for women…

In the post, he wondered why so many of his favorite blogs had “gone cold”.

Three women who write Christian blogs responded, outlining the extra challenges they face compared to their male counterparts…

Read what they had to say about the life of a female blogger

4. Honor your father and your mother…

The sixth commandment…

Do we have to follow it when we are grown?

Or is it just for babies and kids?

Our relationship with our parents changes.

Should the way we honor them change too?

Read Bronwyn Lea’s thoughts as she explores how adult children should honor their parents in this post from Relevant Magazine

 There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

Perhaps something you have written…








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