Christian Devotional-Stories and Bible verses about the presence of God in our lives

Where Will You See God Today?

One day it was summer in our neighborhood…

See GodThe trees were green. and the wind struggled to push through the thick, muggy air…

The next day the breezes were cool and dry, and the trees started exchanging the greens of summer for the reds and yellows of fall…

The locust trees lead the way…

Their leaves dropping to the sidewalks and roads below…

Turning them into streets of gold…

I walked along the path in our neighborhood, kicking the leaves like I did when I was a 9 year old boy, inhaling the dry, dusty smell of fall as the leaves swirled into the air and rode away on the wind…

Was I trying to resurrect the carefree autumn days of my nine year-old self?

“Resurrect?”  Did I say “Resurrect”?

The leaves blew away from one patch of sidewalk, revealing a message I didn’t expect…

The real message of resurrection chalked onto the pathway…

The message was surprising because it was not left on a busy sidewalk for hundreds or thousands of people to see…

But on a neighborhood path…

where it might be seen by a few dozen…

(In case my fabulous photography doesn’t make it clear, the sidewalk artist said. “Life can be hard, but God sent His Son Jesus Christ.  John 3:16-17”)

The message went on for 15 or twenty feet with a series of drawings and Bible verses spelling out the artist’s entire vision of the gospel…

As I took the picture, a few walkers passed by…

Moms pushing their babies in strollers…

Dogs pulling their humans on leashes…

Very few looked down and saw the message.

It made me wonder…

How often do we walk right past the presence of God without even noticing Him?

How will He change our lives today, if like Moses at the burning bush, we stop to see God?

…So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.”

When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!” …  Exodus 3:3-4

How will God use us to change the world, If we hear His call, and answer it with the same three simple words said by Moses?

And Moses said, “Here I am.” Exodus 3:4


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