4 To Read – September 22 2

Each week, Everyday Servant lists four really great reads from Christian blogs…

Some are from well-known writers and blogs… Others are from blogs you might have missed…

In this week’s 4 to Read…

4 to readStrategies for dealing with stress and anxiety…

Solutions for war, terrorism and disease…

Should we share the gospel with everyone?

Are you a secret Christian?

1. Worried? Stressed? Anxious?

Jon Acuff talks to people on airplanes…

One of those conversations was with a soldier who gave him important perspective on worry and anxiety…

Read his story…you may end up feeling just a little less anxious…

2. Terrorism! War!  Ebola!

What’s the answer?


Boots on the ground?

Air strikes?

Dena Dyer offers an entirely different solution…

A solution that risks no lives…

A solution that comes from the ultimate power of the universe…

A solution based on prayer…

Click here to read her prayer for peace…

3. Who knows you are a Christian?

Do your friends see your faith in your actions? Do they hear it in your words?

Or is it easier hide your faith?

Easier to fit in with the crowd?

Easier not to risk offending someone by your hiding faith behind a wall of political correctness?

Easier to be a secret Christian?

Read Ginny Hannan’s story…

She admits there have been times when fitting in seemed the easy choice…

4. Should we share God’s love with everybody?

Or should we be careful to conserve our time and energy by only sharing it with people most likely to respond?

What does the Bible say?

Tim at Christian Personal Finance takes a new look at the familiar Parable of the Sower, and comes up with answer that may surprise you…

Read his thoughts as he wonders why the story is even called the parable of the sower in the first place…

There is so much Christian material to read online…

No list could possibly be complete…

Use comments to add links to your own choices…

Perhaps something you have written…

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