Christian Devotional-Stories and Bible verses about the presence of God in our lives

God Waits for Us

An early morning summer sunrise…

Not another car in sight…

Driving just a few miles an hour over the 55 MPH speed limit…

Music playing…

Reaching the top of a small rise of ground…

A bicyclist…

Riding in the middle of the lane!?

I veer left…

Just in time.

Shaken…I pull back into the right lane…

And silently think exactly what I would tell that bicyclist!

My exit is two miles ahead…

One mile…

In my rearview mirror…

An SUV closes quickly.

Doing at least 75 Miles Per Hour…

As I near the exit…

He swings into the left lane to pass…

Then, just as I’m about to turn off the road…

He cuts in front of me…

To take the same exit…

Where we both have to slow down to 40…

This time, I’m not silently reciting what I’d say to the driver…

I’m yelling at the top of my lungs…

With all my windows rolled up, of course.


He hits his horn…

A long steady blast…

His Brake lights flash on…

I hit my brakes…

And skid to a stop just in time.

As I creep closer to his car…

I see the startled face of a runner….

Coming directly at us in the driving lane.


This time I seriously consider rolling down the window and yelling…

But fortunately…

I drive on.

Still thinking about all three people…

The bicyclist…

The runner…

The driver.

I could straighten them all out!

I could tell them what to do!

But maybe that wouldn’t be such a wise thing to do.

I think about God…

God, who looks at the dumb, stupid things I do every day…

Who knows exactly what I should do…

Who could force me to do everything His way…

But instead…

God waits …

…the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice;  Isaiah 30:18

God waits for me…

God waits for all of us…

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  2 Peter 3:9 

God Waits for us to choose Him…

To choose His way…

God waits to give us the ultimate gift of His grace…

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16 

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