What Can You Give Away Today?

We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

“If only I had something to give to others, but things are tight right now…”


Ever had that thought?

Read 5 true stories of  people who found they had a gift to give…

1. The Gift Of A Smile…

Have a blessed day!” he said to me as he reached through the drive-thru window with my food.

He looked directly at me and smiled.

I pulled forward smiling, too.

He had given me a gift.

2. The Only Gift She Had To Give…

She was out of work.

Money was running short.

There was no choice but to cut back her donations to the church.

She sighed as she put on her coat and went out the door to volunteer at the church food pantry.

She could still give the gift of her time.

3. A Gift Of Love…

Cleaning the family room, I moved a chair and found a pink toy spoon — a remnant from my granddaughter’s last visit.

She had held it up and said “Spoon!”.

She picked up another one.

“Two spoons”, she said, and looked at me with an earnest expression that turned to a smile when I said “Yes! Two spoons”.

She had given me a gift simply by being there to love.

4. A Gift of Money…

He was a preacher who earned millions in today’s money.

Yet when he died, all he had was the change in his pockets.

All his life he had gone “just a little” beyond tithing.

He didn’t think he needed more than 2% of his income to live.

So he gave away the other 98 per cent.

His name was John Wesley.

5. The Most Precious Gift of all…

As He died on a cross, Christ called out…

“It is finished! ” John 19:30

And we received the most priceless gift of all…

The gift of grace.

Christianity started with a gift…

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Pass it on…

… remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Acts 20:35


Note: this post first appeared in February 2014

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