Words – Did God Hear the Words I Said in My Car?

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I got into the car with a cup of coffee…

I reached toward the cup holder but missed it.

The lid came off the cup. Coffee flew in all directions, instantly changing the color of my front passenger seat from tan to latte.

I said a few angry words. Maybe I shouted a few angry words…

“Why did this have to happen?”

“Look at that seat!”

“I don’t need this today!”

It’s a good thing you weren’t in the car with me.  My tirade was at an ear-splitting level.

 But evil words come from an evil heart and defile the man who says them. 

Matthew 15:18 

 That driver just about cut me off!

He changed lanes twice trying to get through traffic behind me.

He raced past me and pulled into my lane so quickly I had to hit the brakes to avoid hitting him.

This time you would have been proud of me.

I was silent.

I didn’t say a thing.

But an unspoken prayer for a violent accident that would harm no one but the other driver leapt to my brain…

Do bad thoughts count?

The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord Proverbs 16:26

I say that I am a follower of Christ.  I pray that God will break my heart for what breaks his…

Then I speak or think words that reveal the true state of my heart…

And then I know that grace alone can save me…

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

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