Christian Devotional-Stories and Bible verses about the presence of God in our lives

God with Her …

“You are so full of smiles today….”

She was volunteering at church when a guest said that to her…

She smileGod with Herd a little more… and started a conversation…

The guest would never know how her day had begun…

He would never know that had God not been with her, she might not be standing here smiling…

She was on her way to church…

The road was nearly empty early on a Sunday morning.

On a weekday, it would be jammed…

Lines of cars would enter and exit at every interchange…

Traffic would struggle to move thirty miles per hour…

Today it was almost empty.

She was driving sixty …

The skies were a bright blue…

A perfect morning…

Did she hear the noise first or feel the impact?

Suddenly her car was out of control, spinning across three lanes…

Barely missing a concrete lane divider …

A car merging into the road had hit the side of her car.

Police showed up…

Nobody was hurt.

Her car was smashed up but she could still drive it….

Should she go home?

She was closer to church…

And besides, all she would do at home was sit around and feel sorry for herself…

And so a couple of hours later, she stood talking with a guest at church…

“Yes”, said the guest… “You’re full of smiles today!”

God had been with her…

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go  ~ Joshua 1:9

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you ~ Hebrews 13:5

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